Sunday, August 7, 2011

30 day photo challenge Day7

Im getting ready to go on the diva trip with my BFFs.  We are going to Orlando, FL. Im very excited.  J and I went to my stepmom, who makes jewlry, to get some peices for the trip.  I got caught in a downpour of rain and my hair frizzed up some but not horrible.  I really like this routine so 8-10 twist and twist-out the next day.  Id like to think its ok to wear it like this more often than not.  Its not a protective style but Im not putting any tension or raking through it alot.

J and I played Beauty Shop.  I blew out her fro and put it up and puffs and then made her some flax seed gel that wasnt as stinky...The lemon was abit strong though.


YASU said...

Oh wow!!!! Whew Orlando is HOT this time of year it is a DRY heat too! I know you will have a blast! I need a BFF trip!

Your hair looks good. I'm so loving your journal! And your friend's hair is gorgeous!!! Yall ladies make me miss that fro of mine these days!

MrsRony said...

I know..Im already dreading the heat. It will be a fake puff trip I bet. LOL

Every woman needs a BFF trip.

Js hair is sooo thick and curly. Makes me sick..LOL