Friday, April 3, 2009

All that work down the drain. I want to quit.

OMG I am ready to scream. My hair has been growing like crazy and Ive been so tickled with it. Today I went to the barber and told him to cut the top down so its even so I could get rid of the pancake puff.

I have no hair. 9 months of hair GONE! My hair is almost as short as it was when I first chopped it off. I cant twist it. I cant wear a headband. My beautiful puff...poof! WHY???? Why are men so literal? Just cuz I said even my hair up does not mean cut it to the shortest length! I said cut the TOP to make it even. What would anyone think a WOMAN who came in looking like Don King would want such a low cut? Wouldnt you ask to make sure? Should I not go to barbers? It didnt feel like he was doing anything. I saw very little hair fall. Now I'm bald, mad and setback 6 mo! I know there is nothing I can do now. This looks worse than my 1st BC because of the shape. I look like a DUDE! This has been a week from hell. Trying to recover from another round of court hearings for the girls and a stomach bug that has had me and PB weak and cranky. Im just sick. I dont know if i want to start all over. I may have to fork out the cash for braids or invest in a instaweave since I threw all my old hair out. Ooo yall pray!

A picture I was going to post about how bigger twist made my twist out curlier a couple of weeks ago:

This today. Fresh from the shower and mad enough to spit:


Anonymous said...

it dosent look bad. the hair it self is healthy thick and glossy. i wouldnt worry about it, hair grows, thats about all it does. even when youre sleeping the hair is growing. youll get the length back. just love it and it will love you back.


Hey there!

Actually, the "man cut" is really chic on many women!! It depends on their bone structure!! I have always admired how Grace Jones can rock a bald head and still look elegant.

The lesson to be learned is to bring a magazine photo to the shop WHENEVER you are letting someone new cut your hair. Make sure that person has a visual of what you want.

Peace, blessings and DUNAMIS!

marie said...

Stay encouraged! I so understand just recently cut off 8yr old locs to my waist.It's a long story lol!!
You look great, stay strong. You are making a psychologically strong leap for all of us BW. It will grow back. Peace,Marie.

Carmennc said...

Aww, my Twitter friend, it'll grow back. I know you'll probably never get your hair cut again after this, but ask the person to round out your afro or ask for a circle layer cut. When I went to a random salon years ago I showed the lady a picture of what i wanted. I also told her exactly how long I wanted it to be. Men can get a little heavy handed and try to give you a temple fade or something you totally don't want.

I'll tweet you later!

Fleurzty said...

This is my first time on your blog, but obviously for a very good reason. Your hair is beautiful and it will grow back. Don't be discouraged by the cut. I experienced something similar about 6 months ago. I went to get my hair blown out for a weekend and the lady damaged my hair beyond repair. I ended up cutting 6-8 inches off. My hair has grown back and I have been able to experiment along the way, grow my hair thicker and help others along the way. I'm here to tell you that your hair will grow again and be more beautiful than ever because I am sure that you now appreciate it more than ever!

Anonymous said...

i guess as a natural head it's safer to flat iron your hair and then get it cut even,they can't go wrong there.... but my dear I must say you look lovely with your cut!!!!!! it will grow back and with a vengence, you just wait and see