Tuesday, June 24, 2008

It is finished

I did it. I woke up yesterday and said if the girls visit went through (mom has not shown the past 3) then I would use my 3 hours to get my hair chopped. Well when the caseworker called and said to bring the girls I said...well let me try to get it braided first...LOLOL! So I drove around and called the places I had seen and not one shop was open or answering phones. So I went to Ms Grace and said cut all the bad hair off.

I did'nt burst into tears when I first saw myself. I took that as a good sign. My first thought was 'wow..those are some big cheeks.' then 'wow, I got alot of gray'. I dont know. My son hates it. He was sooo mortified the boy called my DADDY to tell him so he could yell at me. My daddy is old school. He called and asked why would I do a fool thing like that and told me DH would leave me for sure when he saw it. Mind you he hasnt actually SEEN me yet.

I keep looking into the mirror and saying "This is me. Im ok" I love the way it feels. Its going to take some time. I have to admit while I was out yesterday with the girls I didnt pay any attention and almost forgot my hair was gone. Im trying to get up the gumption to post pics.